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Effect of binder on properties of low cement castable

Words:[Big][Medium][Small] Mobile Page Two-Dimensional Code 2018-06-10     

The effect of low cement castable is not only related to its own properties and matrix, but also has a very close relationship with the construction quality.


The first temperature is that the construction quality of low cement castable and the factors of low ambient temperature will prolong the hydration reaction time of cement, affect the strength growth of castable, lead to a faster decline in the flow value of low cement castable, and shorten the construction time, thus affecting the construction quality of low cement refractory castable.According to our usual construction feedback, adhesive and high aluminum low cement castable construction temperature has a big impact.Construction at 20-30 C,

Add low cement pouring coagulant in the material, can shorten the construction, 35℃ above the temperature, add the right amount of retarder, can extend the time of building materials. 

Therefore, the use of low cement castable can be appropriately adjusted according to the construction situation, the proportion of binder.We have no effect, after many tests, adding amount of binder to adjust the strength of low cement castable.


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